
Do you feel all the "feels" and everyone else's too?

Are you intuitive or empathic? Do you feel stressed or overwhelmed?

Do you need to process information thoroughly before making decisions?

           Can you often see what needs to be done in a situation before others do?

        You may be a HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON.

Learn how to manage this unique personality trait and feel empowered again!

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."

I specialize in the management of sensory processing sensitivity (Highly Sensitive Person trait), chronic illness and grief & loss as well as Sports Psychology/Mental Training for Youth Athletes and Consultation Services re: HSP trait/Highly Sensitive Children.

I have several years of professional and personal experience. I will provide you with new coping strategies that you can use NOW!

Please contact me today!


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About Sarah Schroer, LSCSW   

I specialize in the management of sensory processing sensitivity (Highly Sensitive Person trait), chronic illness and grief & loss as well as Sports Psychology/ Mental Training for Youth Athletes and Consultation Services for Highly Sensitive Children.

I utilize a supportive, empathetic approach with all of my clients. Together, we will identify solutions to fit your individual situation so you can thrive instead of survive.

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